To those who are not familiar with TaNa”Kh, I want to recommend a relatively easy course of annual study.
· In addition to:
1. following the traditional obligations to both review the Torah (Pentateuch) annually via the weekly sidrot שו"ע או"ח רפה:א, רפה:ה = קמו:ב
2. and reading the holiday-appropriate NaK”h books on holidays (מסכת סופרים יד:א ),
· one can read 2 chapters per day from the rest of Tanakh on the other weekdays, the non-Sabbath (תוספתא מגילה ג:ה, מגילה לב ע"א, משנ"ב תכט:א ) and non-Holiday (קדושין ל ע"א) days.